Last Update 05 / 05 / 24

Privacy Policy Highlights

Welcome to Chivy.  Your trust is important to us. We take the protection and proper use of your personal information seriously and are committed to keeping your data safe and secure.  To preserve your trust, we want you to understand what information we may collect from you, how we use that information, and the choices you have about how we use your  information.

We do not share customer information unless it is necessary to provide you with the services available through the Chivy application (hereinafter the “Chivy Application,” “Chivy App” or simply the “Application” or “App”). We may also disclose or share information with third parties to protect your safety and the safety of other customers or as required or permitted by law.

Within Chivy, we restrict access to your personal information to those individuals who need access to provide you with our products and services. If you have questions or concerns regarding how Chivy manages, accesses or uses your personal information, please write to us at [email protected].

Please understand that by using the Chivy Application and any of our other products or services, you acknowledge that you accept the practices outlined in this Privacy Policy.

Privacy Policy

In this policy, "personal information" means any information by which you can be identified, located or contacted, such as your name (first and last), address (city, state, zip code), email address, or telephone number.

Information We Collect

  1. Information You Give Us:

When you download the Chivy Application and create an account, you will provide us with your name, telephone number, email address and some basic details necessary for the service to function, such as your gender and date of birth.  You will also provide an emergency contact name and telephone number.  We use a third-party service provider, presently Persona, to conduct identity verification online.  To learn more about Persona’s privacy and data security practices, please click here.

As you complete our verification and onboarding processes, you will share additional information such as details about your interests and preferences and responses to three or more “icebreaker” questions.  You will also be able to add content like pictures and videos.  To do this you may need to give us access your camera or the photo album on your electronic device.

If you subscribe or make a purchase directly from us (rather than through a third-party platform such as the Apple Store or Google Play), you may provide our payment service provider with information, such as your debit or credit card number and other financial information.  We do not have access to this information.  It is stored and secured by the third-party service provider.  For more information about our service provider’s privacy and data security practices, please visit their website.

If you choose to participate in our surveys, focus groups or other market research projects, we will collect your responses to our questions.  Similarly, if you participate in our promotions, contests and other events we will collect the information that you use to register.

If you contact our customer care team, we collect the information you give us to enable us to provide you the service you need.

  1. Information Generated When You Use the Service

The Application generates data about your activity on the Application.  For example, the Application generates and collects information about when you logged in, what features you used, what actions you took, the information shown to you as well as your interactions and exchanges with other users.

If you give us permission by activating the Chivy-Protect feature, we can collect your precise geolocation.  This information is updated every five minutes while the feature is activated.  Please note that the geolocation feature may continue to operate even when you are not using the Application unless you close the Application completely. Geolocation information is necessary if you want to participate in Chivy-Protect, but if you decline permission for us to have your precise geolocation, we will not collect it.